Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Time to Share

     After giving this blog idea some serious thought I've decided that I would share what's on my mind with you. The desired outcome herein is to simply share what's up there and allow any like minded persons to comment and open a dialog where they see fit. So what to expect on my random ramblings? Well to give some insight, I've got quite a bit on my mind, ancient history is quite amazing Plato to Mayan/Inca cultures to the "fabled" Atlantis. You can expect to see my theories about things including those above but not limited to them, I may also share some things I find interesting in the Science world, I do love the fact that they are finding planets like grass on a green field. One day I do hope to build my own satellite and take some pictures of the out there, you never know!

Now for a little meat about me. I am a software engineer working for a contractor, the office is based in DC. I am located all over depending on the current adventure, or in San Francisco/Portland which I call both home, can't seem to decide which one I love more. For the adventures it's the outdoors for me! Let it be by an amazing lake or in some captivating mountains, I'll be there with a friend or two just soaking it up in peaceful bliss. It's important to me to feel as connected as I feel with the world I live on, the world I love. Even with that said I have a dream that one day I will set foot on another planet. This may seem weird and scary to some, but I am not afraid of this instead it excites me. To live in a day where the human species has made it technologically to advance in space exploration is the day I feel we have made true progress as a species, the day I look forward to.

As being a 'logical' thinker I feel that Philosophy is a strong point for me, as well as a deep interest. Looking at 'problems' of society I have insights to what could be thought of as 'solutions'. The reason for the quotes are that they represent the half and half stance I feel on the meanings. For instance the idea that there are problems in society would imply that they can be fixed, but in fact they may be required for other aspects, which could be considered not a problem, to remain. Something I have learned in this life is that we live in what Alan Watts called a "solid/space" existence, meaning that each is required for the other to exist. If we have just solids, there would be no space. On the same token without solid there would be no physical things (i.e. Stars, Planets, Humans, Giraffes and the like). Also looking at the idea of a solution to the problems of a society, the true conundrum lies in the fact that a solution for one maybe a problem for another, the same could be said about the original problem for which the solution arose.

So with all of that said most insight is just a single perspective, though it can encompass more than one, but most likely not all possible ones which is okay. It's okay because we are all just Human Beings, and that is a being who is a bit confused as to what THIS really is, and how to navigate it. We can reach out to others for the answer but the reality is they most likely do not know either, or will tell you different for their own reasons, most likely being important or 'knowing'. What I suggest is that instead of seeking an answer lets go after the insight that we can provide each other. A thought from another that we may not have come to ourselves, and maybe even a thought taken further than we have yet ourselves to reach.

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